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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Live Your Own Life

I believe that every single one of us put on this earth are here for a reason. Now, I'm not here to tell you what you are suppose to do, who you are suppose to do and/or how to go about it. Nobody can and nobody should ever have that control over anybody; not even a parent.

And I also believe that once you have established who you are and where you're going that that would be the most beautiful gift you could ever give yourself. By living exactly how you feel it necessary.

You are special, so act like it.  You are unique, so make the most of that uniqueness.

There’s something you can contribute to this moment that no one else has to offer.  There is a perspective from which you can experience this day that is unlike any other.

Don’t settle for merely doing the same thing as anyone else, or mimicking the opinions, desires and dreams of others.  Live your own life, and explore the unique beauty of your very own dreams, thoughts, opinions and interests.

Your greatest value comes from being who you truly are.  Let your beautiful, unique, fascinating and authentic Self come fully to life.

Instead of spinning your wheels and striving to be someone you’re not, enjoy the sweet fulfilment of being who you really want to be.  Instead of trying in vain to please others with who you think they think you should be, impress them with who you really are...and allow your Self to be.

Know the true joy of being your true Self.  Honour and appreciate all of life by fully and authentically living the one very special life that is yours.

All 'n all, you are you and be proud to be you!

I thank you.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Making even more

Strength does not get used up when you use it.  In fact, it grows.

Sharing your wisdom with another person does not take that wisdom away from you.  It actually deepens your wisdom, and makes it even more profound.

Giving your love does not in any way diminish the love you have.  It makes your love richer and more meaningful and more love will return to you.

You can speak the truth all day long, and at the end of the day that truth is more plentiful than it was at the beginning.

You can exercise compassion for month after month, and you’ll end up with even more compassion.

Some of the most powerful and valuable things in life are the things that never get used up.  Indeed, those things such as love, integrity, truth, compassion and wisdom become more plentiful the more they’re used and given.  We all emanate from the same Source and when we are giving, the Divine part of us-the Being-is giving to the Divine in another; in essence, when we are giving to another we are giving to our Self. 

As each moment passes, give of your Self.  When you do, you’ll be making even more and receiving even more.

Friday 16 September 2011

You Matter

You matter

The fear you have about being insignificant is a deception.  As long as you have the courage to act, you will matter.

Your actions may very well fall short of the goal.  You may pick yourself up and make another attempt, giving the entirety of your focus and energy to it, and fall short again.

Even so, you matter very much.  You are unique and beautiful in your very own way and always able to take the next step, to make some kind of a difference, and to have an influence.

If you’re even the slightest bit ambitious, it will take many attempts and will demand much of you.  Don’t punish or disrespect yourself for that.

Just keep going.  You have something important and meaningful to do, so keep going until you get it done.

Then set your sights on an even more ambitious goal and quickly begin moving confidently toward it.  You do indeed matter, you can always make a difference, and doing so is what will bring the fulfillment you seek.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Have a Laugh

Just go on... Just laugh for at least one of the below pictures. I SOOO dare you! lol

take care, see soon.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

So Do

So do

You may not be able to get it perfect.  Yet you absolutely are able to get it done, so do.
It may not be the most enjoyable or exciting way to spend your time.  Still, it is what you must get done, so do.

It’s very possible that some people will criticize you for it, or even oppose your efforts. However, it is truly important to you that you make it happen, so do.

There may be a hundred perfectly reasonable excuses, and a thousand compelling distractions as well.  Yet when you have a meaningful reason to make it happen, that trumps every excuse.

You may get weary and discouraged, and in your discouragement you might convince yourself that the effort is not worth the trouble.  Rest for a little while, reconnect with your original purpose, then take a deep breath and keep on going.

You are absolutely capable of doing the work, and absolutely worthy of the achievement it will bring.  Whatever may come, you can make the effort to make a difference, so do.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Make Yourself Useful

There is absolutely nothing worse in this world then having nothing to do; aimlessly floating about and just breathing because you have to. By making yourself useful you automatically ensure that there is a reason why you were put on this earth.


If you want to feel more positive, more empowered, more confident and encouraged, be useful.  Making a difference for others makes a big difference for you.

What’s a powerful way to maintain an authentic positive outlook?  It’s by getting busy and making a positive difference in life.

When you feel useful, everything feels better.  When your awareness is wrapped around making a difference, there’s no room for frustration, anxiety or worry.

Being genuinely useful brings out the best in you.  Making a positive contribution gives you a more positive perspective.

Many of your most powerful desires stem from a deep, underlying desire to know that your life matters.  Being truly useful is a great way to satisfy that fundamental desire.

Make yourself useful.  And make your world a more fulfilling place.