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Sunday 7 October 2012

Generous Living

Allow yourself to be inspired, and you enable yourself to be inspiring.  Open yourself to criticism, and you position yourself for improvement.

Permit yourself to be challenged, and you compel yourself to grow stronger. Discipline yourself to stay focused, and you reward yourself with great achievement.

The kind of face you present to the world determines the kind of world you see and experience.  What you get is very closely connected to how you are, to how you act, and to the way you think and feel.

The outside world is a surprisingly accurate mirror of your inside substance.  Your choices determine your reality, both in ways that are obvious and in ways you cannot possibly imagine.

It is impossible to deceive life, so there’s no point in even trying to do so.  Instead, put your energy and your effort into honest, authentic, generous living.

The goodness that flows out from you is constantly transformed into the good and valuable things that surround you.  Let that goodness flow freely, and it’ll return to you unceasingly.


Good Fortune

Don’t just sit and wait for good fortune to come to you.  Good fortune is something that comes from you.

Good fortune unfolds when you truly believe, with no doubt, that you have it.  Good fortune comes to be when you give it a compelling reason to be.

Good fortune is not merely something your mind constructs.  It is something your Spirit expresses and incorporates into your life.

How thankful can you be?  That’s what will determine how fortunate you are.

How much can you appreciate what you have?  That will determine the value of what you have, and the good fortune that you are able to make with it.

Allow life’s abundance to become your good fortune.  Be thankful for every little thing, and discover how truly fortunate you are.


Choosing Your Consequences

Choosing your consequences

There are some actions that empower and enrich your life and there are  actions that lead only to regret and disappointment.

There are choices that build value far into the future and there are  choices that seriously compromise your future in the interest of a fleeting, momentary pleasure.

Before each action you take, before each choice you make, ask yourself this question.  Will it truly and permanently lift up your life and your world, or will it not?

There’s no need to get caught up in labelling things as good or bad or easy or difficult, or even as right or wrong.  Look instead at the ultimate consequence of what you choose to do.

The way to do what is good and right is to do what will bring goodness and value.  The way to build an empowered and fulfilled life is to make empowering choices.

In every moment, with each thought and action you take, you are choosing your consequences.  Take advantage of each opportunity to choose the very best.


Tuesday 17 July 2012

Enough Time and the Momentum of Effort

Make time for what’s important by remembering how truly precious your time is.
There is always enough time when you give sufficient value to your time.

Complaining that there’s not enough time merely wastes more of your time.
Instead of being resentful about what you must do, be appreciative of what you can do.

Is there something you’re doing that doesn’t seem like it’s worth the time?  Then you
can either stop doing it or find ways to put more meaningful value into it.

If there’s something you’re doing that’s not important, consider how you
can make it important.  Put more real value and meaning into your efforts,
and the time you give to those efforts will be time well spent.

Appreciate each moment as it comes, giving your authentic best to it.  And
you’ll have plenty of time to live the life you truly wish to live.

The way to doing is to do it.  The way to get the work done is to get
started and to keep going.

When you’re already doing nothing, it’s easy to continue doing nothing.  Yet
you can always choose to break that pattern.

Momentum is a powerful force.  So get it working in your favour.
Don’t be held back by the momentum of idleness.  Get busy, establish the
momentum of effort, and let it push you powerfully toward achievement and

In just one moment, in just one step forward, you can get yourself
going.  Then take one more step and you begin to get momentum on your side.

You can do it, so do it.  Don’t keep your achievements waiting one moment

Sunday 3 June 2012

The Vision Inside

Achievement flows from the inside out.  To experience an exceptional life
on the outside, you must nurture exceptionally positive values on the

You cannot be angry, resentful, envious or cynical on the inside and expect
to achieve anything of value.  No matter where you might attempt to direct
it, your negativity hurts you more than anyone else.

The great thing is, you can experience an outstanding life if you will
constantly and persistently envision an outstanding life.  That positive
vision will itself drive your actions to ensure its own fulfilment.

There is great and unique beauty living within you.  Connect with it,
acknowledge it, express it and watch as your actions create corresponding
beauty in the world around you.

Achievement begins, continues and culminates with the vision of achievement
that lives inside you.

Fulfilment flows naturally and unceasingly from the integrity of your inner

Keep that inner vision strong, and keep that integrity intact.

The whole of life surrounding you is eagerly awaiting the full expression
of the beautiful vision that lives inside you.


Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Power of Enthusiasm

Your life is a great and wonderful experience, so don't be afraid to show some genuine, infectious enthusiasm for it. The world is filled with outstanding opportunities, and you can make the most of those opportunities by being enthusiastic about them.

Yes, sometimes you might look a bit silly. However, it's much better to be laughed at for being enthusiastic than to be pitied and avoided for being dull.

Enthusiasm keep you young, energises your days, and attracts positive people to your efforts. Enthusiasm keeps you focused on moving forward, even when there are obstacles and distractions working against you.

To be enthusiastic, you must do what you truly care about, and genuinely care about what you're doing. To be enthusiastic, be honest with yourself about what your passions are, and follow those passions without holding back.

Feel how good it feels to let enthusiasm freely flow. Feel how powerful it is when your actions are continually energised by your enthusiasm.

Find those things about which you can be authentically enthusiastic. And then, let the power of your enthusiasm flow.


Thursday 19 April 2012

Your Mental Attitude

As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your
condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge and the
measures of your attainment. The so‐called limitations of your nature are
the boundary lines of your thoughts; they are self‐erected fences, and can
be drawn to a narrower circle, extended to a wider, or be allowed to

You are the thinker of your thoughts and as such you are the maker of
yourself and condition. Thought is causal and creative, and appears in your
character and life in the form of results. There are no accidents in your
life. Both its harmonies and antagonisms are the responsive echoes of your
thoughts. A man thinks, and his life appears.

If your dominant mental attitude is peaceable and lovable, bliss and
blessedness will follow you; if it be resistant and hateful, trouble and
distress will cloud your pathway. Out of ill‐will will come grief and
disaster; out of good‐will, healing and reparation.

You imagine your circumstances as being separate from yourself, but they
are intimately related to your thought world. Nothing appears without an
adequate cause. Everything that happens is just. Nothing is fated,
everything is formed.

As you think, you travel; as you love, you attract. You are today where
your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts
take you. You cannot escape the result of your thoughts, but you can endure
and learn, can accept and be glad.
You will always come to the place where your love your most abiding and
(intense thought) can receive its measure of gratification. If your love be
base, you will come to a base place; if it be beautiful, you will come to a
beautiful place.

You can alter your thoughts, and so alter your condition. Strive to
perceive the vastness and grandeur of your responsibility. You are
powerful, not powerless. You are as powerful to obey as you are to disobey;
as strong to be pure as to be impure; as ready for wisdom as for ignorance.
You can learn what you will, can remain as ignorant as you choose. If you
love knowledge you will obtain it; if you love wisdom you will secure it;
if you love purity you will realise it. All things await your acceptance,
and you choose by the thoughts which you entertain.

A man remains ignorant because he loves ignorance, and chooses ignorant
thoughts; a man becomes wise because he loves wisdom and chooses wise
thoughts. No man is hindered by another; he is only hindered by himself. No
man suffers because of another; he suffers only because of himself. By the
noble Gateway of Pure Thought you can enter the highest Heaven; by the
ignoble doorway of impure thought you can descend into the lowest hell.

Your mental attitude towards others will faithfully react upon yourself,
and will manifest itself in every relation of your life. Every impure and
selfish thought that you send out comes back to you in your circumstances
in some form of suffering; every pure and unselfish thought returns to you
in some form of blessedness. Your circumstances are effects of which the
cause is inward and invisible. As the father‐mother of your thoughts you
are the maker of your state and condition. When you know yourself, you will
perceive, that every event in your life is weighed in the faultless balance
of equity. When you understand the law within your mind, you will cease to
regard yourself as the impotent and blind tool of circumstances, and become
the strong and seeing master.

Let Yourself Enjoy

Let yourself be.  Let yourself enjoy.

Let yourself see and participate, know and feel, listen and understand.  Let
yourself live the brilliant richness that shines through even the smallest
details of this very time and place.

Let go of the worries, the fears, the grievances, insecurities and
inhibitions.  Simply and lovingly live the beauty of this day.

Without judgment as to whether it is difficult or easy, popular or
unpopular, do what you know is right, and what you feel is right for you.  Let
yourself be curious, in awe, inspired and in love with the ineffable
reality of existence.

Live authentically as the unique person you really, truly are.  Allow the
fulfilment that naturally comes when you let all you do come from the best
of who you are.

Let yourself be joyful, and generous with your joy, just because you can,
and just because it feels so good.  Right now, let yourself live in the
best, most positive way you can imagine.

Saturday 7 April 2012

In Each Challenge

In each challenge is great opportunity.  So step forward, meet the
challenge, work persistently through it, and make the opportunity yours.

It may be difficult, complicated, inconvenient, and demanding.  And you are
wonderfully able to deal with all that, to create a valuable outcome.

There are plenty of excuses you could make, and yet you know the excuses
have no real value.  There will be times when you feel like quitting, and
yet in every case you know you can overcome the desire to quit with
your perseverance and positive enthusiasm for seeing it through.

You’ve successfully endured every challenge in your life so far, and you
certainly have what it takes to successfully take on even bigger
challenges. You are able to make a difference, and the more you make use of
that ability, the stronger it grows.

Though many things will go wrong, you know from experience that even in
adversity there is much value to be gained.  Each obstacle makes the
eventual achievement all the more rewarding.

You know you are able to deal with challenges, so put that ability to
meaningful and rewarding use.  Step forward, meet the challenges, and bring
your dreams and goals into manifestation.


Welcome The Criticism

There is no law that says you have to be hurt by criticism.  In fact, you
can choose to thrive on it.

No, you don’t want to intentionally offend people or do foolish things.  But
there’s no reason why you ever have to let anyone else’s opinion of you
affect you in any way.

It’s nice to have positive feedback.  Yet it can be far more useful and
instructive to receive negative feedback.

It is good to know what you’re doing right.  Yet the biggest potential for
improvement comes when you understand what you’re doing wrong.

Instead of being defensive or resentful about the criticism you receive, be
appreciative.  If someone has a problem with you, let it be that person’s
problem and let it be your gain.

You are absolutely worthy, apart from what anyone else may think, and fully
capable of continual improvement.  Welcome the criticism and the
opportunities it brings, and use it to make each day, each effort, each
experience even better than the one before.


Monday 19 March 2012

Love With Love

Live With Love

I have recently resigned from my job at a five star guest house due to reason I do not wish to discuss. I left with some people feeling that I hate the people I worked with or the employer, but I simply do not. Yes, I did not get along with a certain individual, but that does not influence the true feeling of gratitude I still have, nor will I suddenly go on a "badmouth-his-arse" rampage. Au contraire, I am extremely happy that I was there for the time that I was. I enjoyed every minute of the guest experience I was part of. In that, I found the love for the hospitality industry. In that, I have learnt to love my making a decision and sticking to my choice and in that, I have have found the love that I believe every human being should possess.

Life is beautiful. And love greatly magnifies that beauty.

Love has no reason.  It is the reason.

Give love, and you have even more.  Live with love, and you live with all
the richness life has to offer.

Let yourself love sincerely, without expectation, just because that love
flows naturally from who you are.  Let go of the pretences, fears and
inhibitions, and live with the love that is at the centre of you.

Live with love, and it brings out the best in you.  Think, speak and act
from a perspective of real, authentic love, and the result is genuine and
growing fulfilment.

Live with love.  For love will carry you forward like nothing else can