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Monday 31 October 2011

Laughter is The Answer

Whatever might be going on in my life, the only way I find some sort of release is by laughing! So, laugh with me simply because it's so fun!

and then a really cute one!

good night, good bless
*hugs*, k

The Opportunity of Now

Phew! It's been a while since I put pen to paper (or, finger to keyboard if you wish) to write something other than work. All of a sudden there was no creativity or insight to share when it seemed so chaotic and dark.

Many a times we are told to focus on the future, "keep your eyes on the ball" and "look at the bigger picture" and we follow these to the letter, but what about the now? The fact that right now I am dealing with the biggest of issues and I simply do not have the inclination to "look" anywhere else. I have found that the best way to holistically and uncomprisingly focus on my future is to sort out the now; to give the very best that I possess and manage the real time. In doing so, you allow yourself to create the chance to see opportunities. It makes no difference what has just happened, or why, or how. Whatever else it may be, it is also an opportunity.

To see the opportunity, stop looking backward and begin experience the now; the present. Let go of your resentment, your contentment, your anger and even your satisfaction. Focus on what you can now do. Whatever your feelings may be, direct their power toward creating new and meaningful value.

Be ready and willing to challenge your assumptions. This is a new moment, with new realities, so don’t obscure those valuable realities behind outdated assumptions.

As powerful and transformative as the past may have been, this is a new day with its own opportunities. It is now up to you to engage the best of those opportunities and to make the most of them.
You are in a powerful position because you can choose what to do next. Grab the opportunity of now, and move your whole world forward.


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Fulfillment is Yours

You’ve waited long enough.  This is the day to take action.

The excuses are quite reasonable and understandable, and yet they have brought no value to your life.  Let go of those comfortable excuses, and step forward into the bright, direct light of achievement.

The hours in this day will quickly pass no matter what you choose to do with them. So you might as well make full use of them to create meaningful value.

If you’re not sure what to do, take a moment and reach deep inside.  Remind yourself of the things that mean the most, and do what truly strengthens and supports those things.

If the disruptions and distractions erode your focus, reach inside again.  Commit yourself with your actions, over and over, to live true to your highest vision.

This is your life and today is your opportunity to make a difference.  Get busy, because fulfillment is now yours to create

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Making It So

Life can be exciting in a good way, and yet it doesn’t have to be exciting to be good. It’s nice when life is pleasant, and yet life doesn’t have to be pleasant to be rich and fulfilling.

It can be helpful when things go your way.  However, a little disappointment, or even a lot, is not the end of the world.

The fact is, you can treasure and enjoy life no matter what it brings.  You can find real, enriching value in each moment and in every experience.

Don’t be too quick to place judgments on events as they unfold.  What initially seems like it might hurt you, may very well end up helping you.

Life is largely what you make of it.  Choose to see the possibilities for progress in each turn of events, and you’ll be able to make great progress.

Instead of worrying about what has happened or what might happen, get busy working to influence what does happen. 

Life is great when you commit to making it so.