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Monday 19 March 2012

Love With Love

Live With Love

I have recently resigned from my job at a five star guest house due to reason I do not wish to discuss. I left with some people feeling that I hate the people I worked with or the employer, but I simply do not. Yes, I did not get along with a certain individual, but that does not influence the true feeling of gratitude I still have, nor will I suddenly go on a "badmouth-his-arse" rampage. Au contraire, I am extremely happy that I was there for the time that I was. I enjoyed every minute of the guest experience I was part of. In that, I found the love for the hospitality industry. In that, I have learnt to love my making a decision and sticking to my choice and in that, I have have found the love that I believe every human being should possess.

Life is beautiful. And love greatly magnifies that beauty.

Love has no reason.  It is the reason.

Give love, and you have even more.  Live with love, and you live with all
the richness life has to offer.

Let yourself love sincerely, without expectation, just because that love
flows naturally from who you are.  Let go of the pretences, fears and
inhibitions, and live with the love that is at the centre of you.

Live with love, and it brings out the best in you.  Think, speak and act
from a perspective of real, authentic love, and the result is genuine and
growing fulfilment.

Live with love.  For love will carry you forward like nothing else can