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Tuesday 3 May 2011

do somethin'

We're all looking for something meaningful, something outstanding, something/someone that will have you sit up and take note. Right? Right. Now, Im not gon' tell you that you can't get it, I'm merely gon' tell you taht you're going about it the wrong way. Yes, in my most humble of opinions you're fucking up each and every chance of finding something real and exciting.. why? It comes down to the most basic saying of 'em all: "Sort Your Shit Out!" NOW! What do you think you will attract by simply wishing and hoping, but you aint doing nothing about it? Tell me, how did you get to the place you're at right now? I'll tell you, you took a chance, you APPLIED for that job (unless you're directly or indirectly related to Julius Malema or Jacob Zuma), you SMILED at your current boyfriend/girlfriend, you RAN  to catch the 22 bus. YOU DID SOMETHING. So, how do you expect to be WOWed when you just sitting and reading hopeless romantic comedies, cry and eat dark chocolate while watching rom-coms. Bitch, get your ass into gear and start moving your beautiful PHAT behind. Everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING, is in your reach if you just DO IT (yeah, NIKE loves me). 

Y'all know the saying, "you reap what you sow", right? RIGHT! now, if you gon' be sowing krummels en mieliebone, why the hell are you expecting maanskyn en rose? It all comes down to how bad you want something; do you want a boyfriend simply because your biological clock is a ticking time bomb? No! If that's your reason, your motive then stop while you're ahead. Aint no hoop, maar die ashoop! you gotta work for it, you gotta prove to yourself that you're the best BITCH this world has ever seen. WHY? Stop bloody questioning me...BECAUSE I SAID SO. Now, put on some make up and a smile on that face of you!

love it, work it, own it!!!!

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